Study Creative Art & Media
He argued that all people should agree that a rose is beautiful if it indeed is. There are many common conceptions of beauty; for example, Michelangelo’s paintings in the Sistine Chapel are widely recognized as beautiful works of art. However, Kant believes beauty cannot be reduced to any basic set of characteristics or features. Art can function therapeutically as well, an idea that is explored in art therapy. While definitions and practices vary, art therapy is generally understood as a form of therapy that uses art media as its primary mode of communication. It is a relatively young discipline, first introduced around the mid-20th century. The students’ study progress evaluation mechanism is based on continuous assessment throughout the semester by giving assignments, on-line quizzes, Graded Discussion Boards , mid-term and final term exams. The mid-term and final term exams are conducted at VU’s designated centers and usually count for 80 to 85% of the total marks for a course....